Let’s picture a new leader for a moment.
🚀 Excited about the opportunity
🚀 Pleased with having their abilities acknowledged
🚀 Enthusiastic to have a real impact and be a truly great leader (not like the not-so-great leaders they’ve encountered in their working life)
*insert scratch disc sound
It doesn’t take too long before the realities of leading a team kick in, things start feeling hard, the fuel starts to run out, and the reality of leadership veers away from the vision.
That’s often because leading others can be the trickiest (as well as the most rewarding) aspect of leadership.
Why do things get hard when we throw leading others—not just ourselves—into the mix? Because we’re all…well, people…
…with needs
…with expectations
…with behaviours.
And with responses to other people’s behaviour. That, I find, is always a good starting point. Start with yourself – cultivate as much self-awareness as possible – and then investigate how your behaviour impacts the team.
❔ Does your need for uninterrupted focused time leave the team disconnected?
❔ Are you reacting to situations rather than responding?
❔ How does your behaviour influence team dynamics?
❔ How do you ensure your leadership style supports team growth?
Every bit of self-awareness will help your team thrive, and will help you be a better leader. Start where you are and stay curious, and, if working with leaders for nearly 25 years is any guide, leadership will get easier, more fun and more rewarding as you go.
Juliet Robinson
Leadership and Change Specialist
PS: And if you’re having fun with those questions and want to go deeper, you might like to do this with a little help. The Management Team Profile (TMP) includes a science-backed psychometric profile + a one-on-one discussion where I help you make the most of understanding who you are and put all that newly gained self-awareness to great use. Check it out.