You know when you don’t have it

My lemon tree has a bad case of gall wasp and I have had to prune it back significantly. So much so that it’s been reduced to a little more than the skeleton. I think it will be a while before we’ll see another lemon from it.

It’s upsetting, particularly since we watched it thrive last season – we had to give bags of lemons away. I had become used to it producing and complacent about its health.

But so it is.

You know what else can be obliterated overnight, just like my lemon tree?


But unlike lemon trees, the elements of trust can be a little harder to define in a team. Which is why Kristy-Lee and I decided to talk about it.

Also because trust is a huge issue for the teams and leaders we work with. Perhaps for your team too?

And frankly, teams need trust now more than ever to navigate this unknown territory of hybrid work.

The truth is you simply can’t have a thriving team unless you have trust.

But how do you measure it?

How do you articulate it?

How do you BUILD it?

We’re answering all that for you by unpacking a specific framework around trust – David Horsager’s 8 Pillars of Trust – in a 3-part series in the Grow Your Influence podcast.

If the last two years have left you a little bit unsteady on your leadership feet, I think you’ll get a lot of value out of the series.

You can start listening here.

Have any feedback or questions? Get in contact.