How to build better communication skills as a team leader

We can’t really do a good job of leading people without building our communications skills. And we can’t have good communication without a healthy dose of listening.

But so much gets in the way of listening: we’re busy looking for a response, we’re considering ten other things at the same time, we rush to draw conclusions and move on or we make assumptions to save time and effort.

So consider this your reminder to stop and listen. And pair it with this simple listening tool.

Catch yourself before responding and reflect back what you heard. Try saying:

So what you’re saying is {xyz}…Is that right?

Ok, what I’m hearing is that {xyz}…Do I have that right?

Let me make sure I understand {xyz}…Is this what you mean?

When we do this, two things happen:

→ One is that people feel heard. They feel their problem or opinion is taken seriously because you are trying to understand them. Well led!

→ The second thing is they also become more open. In seeing the problem reflected back to them they can come up with their own solutions, and they gain confidence in their own assessment. It is a slightly magical thing that happens when two humans listen to each other. And it starts with you, the leader.

Have a go, and let me know how you go.

Juliet Robinson
Leadership and Change Specialist

PS: When and if you’re ready, there’s also a FREE listening guide you might find useful. It’s full of tools and ideas.

PPS: The Leadership Essentials Programme has a full module on communication, full of tips like this and more. Check the programme out here.

Have any feedback or questions? Get in contact.